Top "Rhino-mocks" questions


download link for latest Rhino mocks binaries (googling didn't help)

can someone share the link to download the latest version of Rhino mocks binaries (binaries only, I don't need source)? …

What is ReplayAll() and VerifyAll() in RhinoMocks

[Test] public void MockAGenericInterface() { MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); IList<int> list = mocks.Create Mock<IList<int&…

c# rhino-mocks
Raising events from a mock/stub using Rhino Mocks

How can I raise an event from a mock/stub using Rhino Mocks? I've found some answers to this question …

c# unit-testing events rhino-mocks
Stubbing a read only property with Rhino Mocks

I have a class with a private set property that I want to stub out with rhino mocks. When I …

c# .net rhino-mocks
What is Rhino Mocks Repeat?

What is Rhino Mocks Repeat ? Repeat.Any(); Repeat.Once(); What does it mean and how it works ?

c# unit-testing rhino-mocks
What is the difference between rhino-mocks stub and expect

What is the difference between rhino-mocks stub and expect here: Looks to me that they behave exact the same? mockContext.…

mocking rhino-mocks stub stubbing expectations
Mocking HttpSessionState in for nunit testing

I've see n a lot of discussions surrounding HttpSessionState and MVC. I'm trying to write tests for an … nunit rhino-mocks
What does Rhino Mocks mean by "requires a return value or an exception to throw"?

When mocking a call to a WCF Service, I get the following error: Method 'ICustomerEntities.GetCustomerFromPhoneNumber("01234123123");' requires a return …

c# wcf rhino-mocks
Out parameters with RhinoMocks

I'm obviously confused - this is a task I've accomplished with several other frameworks we're considering (NMock, Moq, FakeItEasy). I …

Can you explain difference between StrictMock and Partialmock?

As I am using RhinoMocks version 3.6 and as I am not using Record-Replay and as I do not call Verify …

c# .net unit-testing rhino-mocks