Top "Rhino-mocks" questions


Rhino Mocks AssertWasCalled (multiple times) on property getter using AAA

I have a mocked object that is passed as a constructor argument to another object. How can I test that …

c# unit-testing properties rhino-mocks getter
Is it possible to create a mock object that implements multiple interfaces with EasyMock?

Is it possible to create a mock object that implements several interfaces with EasyMock? For example, interface Foo and interface …

java unit-testing mocking rhino-mocks easymock
Stubbing a Property get using Rhino Mocks

Using RhinoMocks, I am trying to Stub the getter value of a property. The property is defined as part of …

c# properties rhino-mocks stub
Asserting that a method is called exactly one time

I want to assert that a method is called exactly one time. I'm using RhinoMocks 3.5. Here's what I thought would …

tdd mocking rhino-mocks assertions
Stubbing or Mocking ASP.NET Web API HttpClient

I am using the new Web API bits in a project, and I have found that I cannot use the …

unit-testing rhino-mocks wcf-web-api
How to Mock a Static Singleton?

I have number of classes I've been asked to add some unit tests to with Rhino Mocks and having some …

c# unit-testing rhino-mocks
Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made

I am getting this error when I try to set a mock to have PropertyBehavior(): System.InvalidOperationException: System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2008 rhino-mocks rhino-mocks-3.5
Rhino Mocks - mocking a method whose return value changes (even when passed the same parameter) with multiple calls

I'm looking to find out how I can mock a method that returns a different value the second time it …

c# unit-testing mocking rhino-mocks
How do I mock IQueryable<T>

I am creating a repository that exposes IQueryable. What is the best way to mock this out for my unit …

c# mocking rhino-mocks iqueryable
RhinoMocks - Stub a Method That Returns a Parameter

I am using RhinoMocks, I need to stub a method, and always have it return the third parameter, regardless of …

unit-testing mocking rhino-mocks stubbing