Top "Required" questions

Required is an HTML attribute of an input element that forces that the input be supplied.

Html5 form element "required" on iPad/iPhone doesn't work

iPad safari is supposed to be html5 compliant, but it seems that the required element doesn't work. Anyone know why, …

html forms mobile-safari required html-validation
html5 required validator not working with input type=button

Here is my html code <form id="form1" runat="server"> <input id="q" required /> <input …

html required required-field
Safari is not acknowledging the "required" attribute. How to fix it?

<form id="customerForm"> <label> First Name: <input id="firstName" required /> </label> <…

html google-chrome safari required
How not to validate HTML5 text box with required attribute

I have one HTML text box (for quantity) and two HTML buttons (Add, Cancel) inside my form. <form> &…

html button required
Required attribute on inputs in bootstrap is not working

Why is the required attribute on inputs in bootstrap is not working? <input type = "text" id = "thisisatext" class= "form-control" …

javascript html twitter-bootstrap validation required
Requiring to make a selection from a drop down html 5

Is it possible to force/require a user to make a selection from a drop down menu? Example: <form …

html requiredfieldvalidator required
When to use the required attribute vs the aria-required attribute for input elements?

I'm trying to make a form accessible. Should I make my inputs have both required and aria-required attributes, or just …

html accessibility required wai-aria html-input
I want to use named parameters in Dart for clarity. How should I handle them?

TL;DR: Named parameters are optional as a result of a conscious design choice. Short of having official language support, …

dart flutter required named-parameters
Select2 and HTML5 form validation

How I can do a form validation (HTML5 Required) with Select2?

twitter-bootstrap jquery-select2 required
jQuery check if all required inputs from a form are not empty

Imagine a simple form with method POST and 30 inputs. I would like to create a jQuery function that will be …

javascript jquery attributes required