Top "Required-field" questions

Indicates the required status of data field, where "required" is contrasted from "optional". Such status generally indicates that any [non-null] value is considered acceptable when populating or evaluating a specific field or fields.

HTML required readonly input in form

I'm making a form. And on one input tag is an OnClick event handler, which is opening a popup, where …

forms html google-chrome readonly required-field
checking each required input for empty value with jQuery

I am checking for each required fields in a form. I tried this but it only works for the first …

jquery forms required-field
Is it possible to configure a required field to ignore white space?

The required attribute in HTML5 is very handy: <input type="text" required> But it still allows users to …

html required-field
ExtJS 4 - Mark a red asterisk on an required field

I have this problem where I need to add a red asterisk beside a fieldLabel when a field is marked …

forms extjs extjs4 required-field
html5 required validator not working with input type=button

Here is my html code <form id="form1" runat="server"> <input id="q" required /> <input …

html required required-field
How to invoke a command button without validating all required inputs?

I'm trying to make a redirection from index.xhtml to registerFirstTime.xhtml. The code in the page index.xhtml is: &…

jsf redirect primefaces required-field
RequiredIf Conditional Validation for two variables in MVC4

I have a model class that is following public bool Saturday{ get; set; } public bool Sunday{ get; set; } public string …

c# model required-field foolproof-validation
Why does <h:inputText required="true"> allow blank spaces?

When I set required="true" in a <h:inputText>, it still allows blank spaces. I have been trying …

validation jsf jsf-2 whitespace required-field
how to bypass required field validation when clicking the cancel button?

I've used HTML input type for my textboxes to utilize the required attribute. now my dilemma is i cannot go …

html cancel-button required-field
Android: need to validate an edittext for non-blank input

If I want to enforce a maximum length of input in an EditText field, I can use the maxLength attribute. …

android android-edittext maxlength required-field nonblank