Top "Required" questions

Required is an HTML attribute of an input element that forces that the input be supplied.

summernote textarea with attribute required does not work

I am using the WYSIWYG Editor summernote. I have a textarea and a javascript: $(document).ready(function() { $('#TextText').summernote({ …

javascript jquery validation required summernote
Flutter: @required keyword

I don't really understand how @required works. For example I've seen this code: class Test{ final String x; Test({ @required …

dart flutter required
Mongoose schema to require array that can be empty

I have this schema var StuffSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ _id: { type: String, required: true, unique: true }, name: { type: String, required: …

arrays validation mongoose required
HTML5 <input> required attribute but not inside <form>

The Required attribute works great inside the form Tags: <form> <input type="text" name="user" required> &…

html forms validation required
How can I set comparison datetime in validation laravel?

I use laravel 5.3 My laravel validation like this : <?php namespace App\Http\Requests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest; class …

laravel validation datetime laravel-5.3 required
required attribute of inputText should depend on submitted value of another component

I have a form which contains a dropdown and two input fields. <h:selectOneMenu /> <h:inputText /> &…

jsf input conditional required
How can I put the asterisk of my required field on my label? (Symfony form)

I am working on Symfony 3 and I have some trouble with my form. When I create a Symfony form with …

forms symfony required form-fields
Removing Required Attribute from Class but MVC3 still won't post the form without a value in the text box

I have a class. At one point, I had set the properties of the class to [Required] using System.ComponentModel.... … data-annotations required componentmodel
Argparse: Making required flags

I am attempting to create a required flag "-f" that accepts the input "filename.pdb" in Argparse. This is simple …

python argparse flags required
ckeditor | the "required" attribute within <textarea> tag is not working

When using CKEDITOR with <textarea> tag, it's not working. <textarea id="editor1" name="description" class="form-control" cols="10" …

validation ckeditor textarea required