Top "Required" questions

Required is an HTML attribute of an input element that forces that the input be supplied.

Styling the hint on a HTML5 input field using required attribute

Is it possible to style the hint that appears on a HTML5 input field when using the required attribute. If …

css forms html input required
How can I make a textField in react native required

I have a text field and a submit button but when I click on the submit button and haven't written …

forms react-native textfield required
How to check if the required attribute is set on a field

I have a simple form that has some required fields in it. <form name="form" method="post"> <…

javascript html forms required
Red Asterisk directly beside placeholder in input box

I've done a bunch of googling, but I can't find an answer anywhere that works for me. I'm creating a …

forms input asterisk placeholder required
mvc dropdownlistfor is not marked as required but is still required

I have a dropdownlistfor in cshtml file: var kategorie_wlasna = new SelectList( (from z in Model.Kategoria where !formReadOnly || z.… drop-down-menu required
Dojo validation of a textarea

I'm attempting to use dojo for the first time, so this may be be obvious. I have a very simple …

validation textarea dojo required
Validate input as required only if certain command button is pressed

I have specific use case for JSF validation. For example I have an inputText field: <p:inputText id="input" …

validation jsf-2 primefaces required commandbutton
Which CMake version as the minimum?

I want to define a minimum version to CMake with "cmake_minimum_required" facility. I have seen that some project …

cmake minimum required
How can a required reboot be detected for Windows 7

I am working on a project where several software and drivers are installed on a windows 7 PC. This shall work …

c# windows windows-7 reboot required
Angular form is $valid when all inputs are blank, why?

My form is showing up as valid even though all of my input fields are blank. I have the required …

angularjs forms validation required angularjs-forms