Top "Named-parameters" questions

Named parameters enable you to specify an argument for a particular parameter by associating the argument with the parameter's name rather than with the parameter's position in the parameter list.

Normal arguments vs. keyword arguments

How are "keyword arguments" different from regular arguments? Can't all arguments be passed as name=value instead of using positional …

python arguments keyword optional-parameters named-parameters
Is there a way to provide named parameters in a function call in JavaScript?

I find the named parameters feature in C# quite useful in some cases. calculateBMI(70, height: 175); What can I use if …

javascript function optional-parameters named-parameters
Named parameters in JDBC

Are there named parameters in JDBC instead of positional ones, like the @name, @city in the ADO.NET query below? …

java jdbc named-parameters
Named parameters

I have method def test(String a, String b) { } and I would like to call this with a dynamic parameter …

groovy named-parameters
How to specify a JPA named parameter surrounded by wildcards?

How would I specify a JPA query like: Query q = em.createQuery( "SELECT x FROM org.SomeTable x WHERE x.…

java hibernate jpa named-parameters
Hibernate could not locate named parameter even if it exist

Hibernate Keeps detecting org.hibernate.QueryParameterException: could not locate named parameter [name] even though it exist. here's my hql Query …

java hibernate hql named-parameters
How to perform batch update in Spring with a list of maps?

New to Spring, I am trying to insert a List<Map<String, Object>> into a table. …

java spring named-parameters batch-insert
Why does a function call require the parameter name in Swift?

I have this Function in a class: func multiply(factor1:Int, factor2:Int) -> Int{ return factor1 * factor2 } I …

methods swift named-parameters
Python, default keyword arguments after variable length positional arguments

I thought I could use named parameters after variable-length positional parameters in a function call in Python 2, but I get …

python variadic-functions python-2.x named-parameters default-parameters
Optional arguments with default value in Ruby

I would like to create a function that has optional arguments with default values def my_function(a = nil, b=…

ruby named-parameters optional-arguments