Top "Relative-path" questions

Relative-paths are URI or directory links to resources that refer to a location relative to the current path.

Changing C# .dll references from absolute to relative

I have compiled my project and some of my project's added .dlls have absolute references. When I try to run …

c# dll reference relative-path absolute-path
ASP.Net C# ResolveClientUrl inside Class

I have the following code: public class NavigationPath { private string menuItems = "<li>" + "<a href=\"#\">home</…

c# class relative-path resolveclienturl
Relative URLs in Sharepoint master page

I have a master page with tabs. The tabs are defined by the following sitemap file: <siteMap> <…

sharepoint wss relative-path
How to concatenate an absolute path and relative path with QDir?

I have a relative path and absolute path that look something like this: Absolute: /tmp/somedir Relative: anotherdir/file.txt …

qt filenames relative-path absolute-path qdir
How do I start jupyter notebook from command-line to run in my current directory, without editing config files or passing hard paths?

Juypter notebook currently has a limitation: Starting terminal in current directory How do I do this from command-line (no Anaconda …

command-line-interface jupyter-notebook jupyter relative-path invocation
file_exists() isn't finding the file

if(file_exists("./squadra/photos/photog.jpg")) { echo "### YES ###"; } else { echo "### NO ###"; } if i run this function on /zones/team.…

php relative-path file-exists
What is the difference between an absolute and a relative path?

I am asking because I am working on a project for school. Yes this is homework. But, I'm trying to …

c# path relative-path absolute-path
Relative Path, but for Port?

We are all familiar with relative paths: A relative path to ./images/hello.jpg from …

http url port relative-path
How to get the absolute path to the sites/all folder in drupal?

I want to display two different logos on my drupal site: one for the front page and one for the …

drupal drupal-7 relative-path drupal-theming absolute-path
How to rewrite urls of images in vendor CSS files using Grunt

I am trying to move frontend dependencies out of the version control system. A combination of and Grunt …

relative-path gruntjs bower