Top "Relative-path" questions

Relative-paths are URI or directory links to resources that refer to a location relative to the current path.

How to find the working folder of a servlet based application in order to load resources

I write a Java servlet that I want to install on many instances of Tomcat on different servers. The servlet …

servlets resources relative-path absolute-path working-directory
How to use a path relative to project root to H2 db-file configuration with Play Framework 2.4?

We're developing a Play 2.4 application (Java API). For dev purposes, we'd like to use a persistent H2 database with DB …

jdbc h2 relative-path persistent playframework-2.4
How can I get MSBUILD to evaluate and print the full path when given a relative path?

How can I get MSBuild to evaluate and print in a <Message /> task an absolute path given a …

msbuild relative-path absolute-path
Ruby path management

What is the best way to manage the require paths in a ruby program? Let me give a basic example, …

ruby relative-path
How to force an HTML link to be absolute?

In my website, users can put an URL in their profile. This URL can be or …

php html anchor relative-path absolute-path
How to strip the basedir from an absolute path to get a relative path?

In the build.xml of my project I have a property defined: <property name="somedir.dir" location="my_project/…

ant relative-path
nodeJS require.paths resolve problem

I am trying to require a file relatively and mysteriously the following is happening This works well which points to /…

javascript node.js relative-path require commonjs
Should I use Url.Content() or ResolveUrl() in my MVC views?

When building code like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=ResolveUrl("~/js/js.js")%>"></script&… url-rewriting .net-4.0 relative-path
Getting relative path from absolute path in PHP

I noticed some similar questions about this problem when I typed the title, but they seem not be in PHP. …

php relative-path
Send redirect to relative path in JSP?

response.sendRedirect("../seja/izpisknjig.jsp"); the file in which I execute this line is index.jsp. the directory structure looks …

jsp redirect send relative-path