How to rewrite urls of images in vendor CSS files using Grunt

Roel van Duijnhoven picture Roel van Duijnhoven · Aug 15, 2013 · Viewed 15.1k times · Source

I am trying to move frontend dependencies out of the version control system. A combination of and Grunt should be able to do this.

A problem however occurs that I am yet unable to solve with bundling multiple vendor libraries. For example assume I have the following directory structure where the components directory is the directory that saves the dependencies in:

├── assets
└── components
    ├── bootstrap
    │   ├── img
    │   │   └── glyhs.gif
    │   └── less
    │       └── bootstrap.css
    └── jquery-ui
        ├── css
        │   └── style.css
        └── images
            ├── next.gif
            └── prev.gif

Now assume I want to bundle both jQuery's style.css and Bootstrap' bootstrap.css. I will save this bundled file in assets/bundled.css.

However in this file the references to the original images (../images/next.gif and ../img/glyhs.gif) are incorrect. They will have to be rewritten in order to work (so ../images/next.gif => ../components/jquery-ui/images/next.gif). I believe(d) this rewriting of URLs is something Grunt should be able to do. But I can not seem to get this to work using the cssmin/less/copy tasks. For example the following Grunt setup (only moving 1 file) fails to work:

module.exports = function (grunt) {
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        less: {
            options: {
                compile: false,
                relativeUrls: true
            bootstrap: {
                src: 'components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less',
                dest: 'assets/bootstrap.css'
    grunt.registerTask('dist-css', ['less']);


  • Have I misconfigured Grunt or done something wrong?

  • Or is the workflow I am describing simply not the right one and should I use another one instead.



Ulan Murzatayev picture Ulan Murzatayev · Sep 10, 2013

You probably wat to take a look at this grunt package This package seems to be intended to solve exactly your problem.

Edit: after looking at this plugin I didn't like the idea of rewriting my markup in order to make my build process smoother. So I ended up writing my own tiny function which does the rewrite for me.

I use grunt's concat plugin for bundling my css files. Good thing about this plugin is that it suports file processing function before concatenation. Now my gruntfile looks like this:

concat: {
    options: {
    separator: '\n',
    process: function (src, filepath) {
        var cssPatt = new RegExp('app(\/.*\/).*\.css$');

        //filter out everithing except css files
        var file = cssPatt.exec(filepath);

        if (file) {
            var urlPatt = /url\(\'(.*)\'\)/g;

        console.log('In file: ' + filepath);

        //replace every url(...) with its absolute path
        return src.replace(urlPatt, function (match, p1) {
            console.log(' * ' + match + ' -> ' + 'url(\'' + file[1] + p1 + '\')');
            return 'url(\'' + file[1] + p1 + '\')';

        return src;