Top "Regularized" questions

Regularization involves introducing additional information in order to solve an ill-posed problem or to prevent over-fitting by shrinking the parameters of the model stay close to zero

TensorFlow - regularization with L2 loss, how to apply to all weights, not just last one?

I am playing with a ANN which is part of Udacity DeepLearning course. I have an assignment which involves introducing …

machine-learning neural-network tensorflow deep-learning regularized
Regularized logistic regression code in matlab

I'm trying my hand at regularized LR, simple with this formulas in matlab: The cost function: J(theta) = 1/m*sum((…

matlab machine-learning logistic-regression regularized
TensorFlow - introducing both L2 regularization and dropout into the network. Does it makes any sense?

I am currently playing with ANN which is part of Udactity DeepLearning course. I successful built and train network and …

machine-learning neural-network tensorflow deep-learning regularized
Python pandas time series interpolation and regularization

I am using Python Pandas for the first time. I have 5-min lag traffic data in csv format: ... 2015-01-04 08:29:05,271238 2015…

python pandas time-series interpolation regularized
Regularization strategy in Keras

I have trying to setup a non-linear regression problem in Keras. Unfortunately, results show that overfitting is occurring. Here is …

keras regression regularized
Improving a badly conditioned matrix

I have a badly conditioned matrix, whose rcond() is close to zero, and therefore, the inverse of that matrix does …

matlab matrix sparse-matrix matrix-inverse regularized
What is target in Python's sklearn coef_ output?

When I do ridge regression using sklearn in Python, the coef_ output gives me a 2D array. According to the …

python scikit-learn regression linear-regression regularized
What is regularization loss in tensorflow?

When training an Object Detection DNN with Tensorflows Object Detection API it's Visualization Plattform Tensorboard plots a scalar named regularization_…

tensorflow tensorboard regularized
RNN Regularization: Which Component to Regularize?

I am building an RNN for classification (there is a softmax layer after the RNN). There are so many options …

python keras deep-learning recurrent-neural-network regularized