Top "Sparse-matrix" questions

A sparse matrix is a data structure in which not every entry is explicitly represented.

How to transform numpy.matrix or array to scipy sparse matrix

For SciPy sparse matrix, one can use todense() or toarray() to transform to NumPy matrix or array. What are the …

python numpy scipy sparse-matrix
Generating a dense matrix from a sparse matrix in numpy python

I have a Sqlite database that contains following type of schema: termcount(doc_num, term , count) This table contains terms …

python arrays numpy scipy sparse-matrix
SparseArray vs HashMap

I can think of several reasons why HashMaps with integer keys are much better than SparseArrays: The Android documentation for …

java android hashmap sparse-matrix
Sparse matrices / arrays in Java

I'm working on a project, written in Java, which requires that I build a very large 2-D sparse array. Very …

java algorithm sparse-matrix sparse-array
Iterating through a scipy.sparse vector (or matrix)

I'm wondering what the best way is to iterate nonzero entries of sparse matrices with scipy.sparse. For example, if …

python scipy sparse-matrix
How do I transform a "SciPy sparse matrix" to a "NumPy matrix"?

I am using a python function called "incidence_matrix(G)", which returns the incident matrix of graph. It is from …

python numpy scipy sparse-matrix networkx
Scipy sparse... arrays?

So, I'm doing some Kmeans classification using numpy arrays that are quite sparse-- lots and lots of zeroes. I figured …

python matrix numpy scipy sparse-matrix
R convert matrix or data frame to sparseMatrix

I have a regular matrix (non-sparse) that I would like to convert to a sparseMatrix (using the Matrix package). Is …

r matrix sparse-matrix
Are Javascript arrays sparse?

That is, if I use the current time as an index into the array: array[Date.getTime()] = value; will the …

javascript sparse-matrix
Scipy sparse matrix multiplication

I have this example of matrix by matrix multiplication using numpy arrays: import numpy as np m = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) c = …

python numpy matrix scipy sparse-matrix