Top "Redis" questions

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

Configure Jedis timeout

I'm having problems completing an .hgetall(), here's what I've tried: Jedis jedis = new Jedis(REDIS_MASTER_NODE); jedis.connect(); jedis.…

java redis jedis
redis-server in ubuntu14.04: Bind address already in use

I started redis server on ubuntu by typing this on terminal: $redis-server This results in following > http://paste.ubuntu.…

redis server port in-memory-database
want to run redis-server in background nonstop

I have downloaded redis-2.6.16.tar.gz file and i installed sucessfully. After installed i run src/redis-server it worked fine. …

redis juggernaut
Difference between Document-based and Key/Value-based databases?

I know there are three different, popular types of non-sql databases. Key/Value: Redis, Tokyo Cabinet, Memcached ColumnFamily: Cassandra, HBase …

mongodb couchdb cassandra redis non-relational-database
When to use Redis instead of MySQL for PHP applications?

I've been looking at Redis. It looks very interesting. But from a practical perspective, in what cases would it be …

php mysql redis
redis vs hazelcast

Redis Vs Hazelcast If my app: Have a lot of http requests (6,000 per minute, I collect clicks info) that needs …

redis hazelcast
What does Redis do when it runs out of memory?

This might be easy question but I am having a hard time finding the answer. How does Redis 2.0 handle running …

nosql redis
Redis set vs hash

In many Redis tutorials (such as this one), data is stored in a set, but with multiple values combined together …

Redis cache vs using memory directly

I have not used Redis yet, but I heard about it and plan to try it as cache storing. I …

caching memory redis
Redis: possible to expire an element in an array or sorted set?

Is it currently only possible to expire an entire key/value pair? What if I want to add values to …

caching redis