Top "Non-relational-database" questions

Non-relational databases is a generic descriptor for data stores which do not adhere to the relational database paradigm.

What is the difference between a Relational and Non-Relational Database?

I know that solutions like MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server are relational database systems, and NoSQL, MongoDB, etc. are …

relational-database non-relational-database
Relational vs. Dimensional Databases, what's the difference?

I'm trying to learn about OLAP and data warehousing, and I'm confused about the difference between relational and dimensional modeling. …

database-design database relational-database non-relational-database
Storing time-series data, relational or non?

I am creating a system which polls devices for data on varying metrics such as CPU utilisation, disk utilisation, temperature …

database nosql relational-database time-series non-relational-database
Difference between Document-based and Key/Value-based databases?

I know there are three different, popular types of non-sql databases. Key/Value: Redis, Tokyo Cabinet, Memcached ColumnFamily: Cassandra, HBase …

mongodb couchdb cassandra redis non-relational-database
Why should I use document based database instead of relational database?

Why should I use document based database like CouchDB instead of using relational database. Are there any typical kinds of …

database couchdb relational non-relational-database
What is the recommended equivalent of cascaded delete in MongoDB for N:M relationships?

Assuming the following "schema/relationship" design what is the recommended practice for handling deletion with cascade delete like operation? Relational …

mongodb database-design cascading-deletes non-relational-database database
How to use Firebase as a relational database with generated keys (JS)?

I'm working on a simple JavaScript Twitter clone utilizing Firebase as the backend storage mechanism (JSON). I am familiar with …

javascript json database firebase non-relational-database
Mongo db using result of query in another query using $in

I have the following model in mongo db: User collection { _id:12345, name:"Joe", age:15, } Addresses collection { _id:7663, userId:12345, Street:"xyz", …

mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework non-relational-database document-based-database
Warning: require(vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in php with mongoDB :

I am working on php with MongoDB. On running the below script in wamp server by going to localhost/test.…

php mongodb non-relational-database
Why would I want to use a non-relational database?

The latest craze in databases seems to be centered around non-relational databases. Why? It seems kind of counterproductive. For example, …

database relational-database non-relational-database