Top "Redis" questions

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

Where is the data directory in Redis?

After writing some data to a redis server, I could read the data from a client. However, how can I …

redis directory server
Connecting to remote redis server

I wanted to make some changes in redis.conf, so that whenever i type redis-cli it connects me to redis …

redis remote-server
Could not get a resource from the pool(SocketTimeoutException:)

I'm running multiple worker threads(around 10) to access the data from the redis Q. For the i'm using infinte timeout …

java redis socketexception jedis
Mac(os x): Is there a way to install ONLY redis-cli?

I tried to run brew install redis-cli and googled, but found nothing. Any ideas?

macos redis
How can I use redis with Django?

I've heard of redis-cache but how exactly does it work? Is it used as a layer between django and my …

python django redis
Redis administration panel

Is there a standard or de facto standard GUI administration panel for Redis? I'd like to see general health and …

How to disable persistence with redis?

I was wondering how to disable presistence in redis. There is mention of the possibility of doing this here: http://…

Can you connect to Amazon ElastiСache Redis outside of Amazon?

I'm able to connect to an ElastiCache Redis instance in a VPC from EC2 instances. But I would like to …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 redis amazon-elasticache
count of keys matching a pattern

How can I find the count of all the keys that has a matching pattern. For example, there are two …

redis node-redis
Redis fetch all value of list without iteration and without popping

I have simple redis list key => "supplier_id" Now all I want it retrieve all value of list without …
