Top "Amazon-elasticache" questions

Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud.

Can you connect to Amazon ElastiСache Redis outside of Amazon?

I'm able to connect to an ElastiCache Redis instance in a VPC from EC2 instances. But I would like to …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 redis amazon-elasticache
Redis: Amazon EC2 vs Elasticache

I want to host a Redis Server by myself. I compared EC2 to Elasticache. And I would like to know …

amazon-ec2 redis amazon-elasticache
Connect to ElastiCache cluster from AWS Lambda function

Is it possible to connect from an AWS Lambda function to a Redis ElastiCache cluster? I can't figure out if …

amazon-web-services amazon-elasticache aws-lambda
AWS Elasticache -- How to flush node from console?

I have a number of Elasticache nodes running and would like to clear them. I know it's possible to do …

amazon-web-services amazon-elasticache
AWS Elasticache Timeout from EC2

I am getting connection timeout from EC2 trying to connect to AWS Elasticache. I launched a 1-node elasticache cluster I …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 amazon-elasticache
How to connect to ElastiCache cluster using node.js

We know that ElastiCache is not recommended to be accessed outside Amazon instances, so we're trying below stuff inside Amazon …

node.js amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 redis amazon-elasticache
Node Redis with AWS

AWS has Redis support via the ElastiCache Service. My question is, can I connect to Redis on AWS Elasticache from …

node.js amazon-web-services redis amazon-elasticache
Error: Connection reset by peer while connecting to Elastic cache using stunnal method

I am using elastic cache single node shard redis 4.0 later version. I enabled In-Transit Encryption and gave redis auth token. …

redis amazon-elasticache
NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record

I'm using Redis Spring Data (1.8.9.RELEASE) with Lettuce (4.5.0.Final) as underlying Redis driver. It's using netty of version 4.1.29. We're using …

java spring-data netty spring-data-redis amazon-elasticache
What is a proper way to connect to AWS Elasticache (Redis cluster) from Java?

I'm new to AWS Elasticache redis, and I got below endpoint. I'm confused in either using Jedis and Redisson, because …

java amazon-web-services jedis amazon-elasticache redisson