Top "Spring-data-redis" questions

Spring Data Redis, part of the larger Spring Data family, provides easy configuration and access to Redis from Spring applications.

INFO warnings about multiple modules in Spring Boot, what do they mean?

I recently bumped up my spring boot version to 1.4.0. Now I see the following warnings below. I am using spring-mongodb …

spring-boot spring-data-redis spring-mongodb
Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.context.PropertyPlaceholderAutoConfiguration

After adding 2 dependencies shown below to my application everything works fine my session data is written to my local redis …

spring-boot spring-data spring-session spring-data-redis
Jedis, Cannot get jedis connection: cannot get resource from pool

I have seen answers in couple of threads but didn't work out for me and since my problem occurs occasionally, …

spring redis jedis spring-data-redis
Enabling Redis cache in spring boot

I have following configuration on my spring boot project. @SpringBootApplication @EnableTransactionManagement @EnableCaching @EnableScheduling @EnableAsync public class Application { String redisHost = "localhost"; …

spring-boot redis spring-data-redis spring-cache
Cannot get connection for redisTemplate for Spring data redis

I'm trying to publish a message to a channel using Spring data Redis using Jedis. Here is a very simple …

spring-data spring-data-redis
Spring - Multiple Spring Data modules found, entering strict repository configuration mode

I am using Spring boot 2 with Spring Data, Spring-Data-Elastisearch and Spring-data-Redis(for http sessions). When i start the app. I'm …

spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-data-elasticsearch spring-data-redis

I am trying to use spring-data-redis in a spring-boot application to work with redis. I am creating JedisConnectionFactory as follows: …

java spring-boot jedis spring-data-redis
Cannot get Jedis connection; Could not get a resource from the pool

I am running a batch job for every 5 minutes and I don't wanna other nodes to run the same job …

java spring redis jedis spring-data-redis
spring-data-redis redisTemplate Exception

When I call get() method, an exception occured here is the code @Service("RedisService") public class RedisServiceImpl implements RedisService { @Autowired …

spring redis jedis spring-data-redis
Spring Data RedisTemplate, ttl is not working when setting a value

I want to set a ttl for my keys that are stored in Redis, and I have done that in …

redis spring-data-redis