Top "Redis" questions

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

In redis, how do i remove keys?

I want to remove keys that match "user*". how do I do that in redis command line?

database redis redis-commands
Rescue : Connection refused - Unable to connect to Redis on localhost:6379

I have followed the instructions to install resque, but now when I try to spawn a worker with this command …

redis resque
How Can I Browse/View The Values Stored in Redis

Are there any good browsers/explorer for viewing Redis out there ? Am new to Redis so my expectation is if …

nosql redis
how to store a complex object in redis (using redis-py)

The hmset function can set the value of each field, but I found that if the value itself is a …

python redis
Does Redis persist data?

I understand that Redis serves all data from memory, but does it persist as well across server reboot so that …

Redis sentinel vs clustering

I understand redis sentinel is a way of configuring HA (high availability) among multiple redis instances. As I see, there …

Redis Python - how to delete all keys according to a specific pattern In python, without python iterating

I'm writing a django management command to handle some of our redis caching. Basically, I need to choose all keys, …

python django redis django-cache redis-py
Get all keys in Redis database with python

There is a post about a Redis command to get all available keys, but I would like to do it …

python database redis
What's the Point of Multiple Redis Databases?

So, I've come to a place where I wanted to segment the data I store in redis into separate databases …

Retrieving/Listing all key/value pairs in a Redis db

I'm using an ORM called Ohm in Ruby that works on top of Redis and am curious to find out …

ruby rubygems nosql redis ohm