Top "Django-cache" questions

Django includes a cache system that lets you save dynamic pages or page fragments so they don't have to be generated for each request.

Redis Python - how to delete all keys according to a specific pattern In python, without python iterating

I'm writing a django management command to handle some of our redis caching. Basically, I need to choose all keys, …

python django redis django-cache redis-py
How do you know if memcached is doing anything?

I'm testing out using memcached to cache django views. How can I tell if memcached is actually caching anything from …

django memcached django-cache
Clearing specific cache in Django

I am using view caching for a django project. It says the cache uses the URL as the key, so …

python django memcached django-cache
Per-request cache in Django?

I would like to implement a decorator that provides per-request caching to any method, not just views. Here is an …

django django-cache
How do I delete a cached template fragment in Django?

Previously, I had set up a cached chunk of HTML in my Django template as follows. {% load cache %} {% cache 10000 courseTable %} &…

django django-cache python-memcached
Django delete cache with specific key_prefix

I'm using Django's per-view @cache_page decorator and have set a different key_prefix for each view. I've previously deleted …

python django python-3.x django-views django-cache