I'm testing out using memcached to cache django views. How can I tell if memcached is actually caching anything from the Linux command line?
I know this question is old, but here is another useful approach for testing memcached with django:
As @Jacob mentioned, you can start memcached in very verbose mode (not as a daemon):
memcached -vv
To test your django cache config, you can use the low-level cache api.
First, start up the python interpreter and load your django project settings:
python manage.py shell
From the shell, you can use the low-level cache api to test your memcache server:
from django.core.cache import cache
cache.set('test', 'test value')
If your cache configuration is correct, you should see output in memcache similar to this:
<32 set :1:test 0 300 10