Top "Redis-py" questions

A Python interface to the Redis key-value store.

Redis Python - how to delete all keys according to a specific pattern In python, without python iterating

I'm writing a django management command to handle some of our redis caching. Basically, I need to choose all keys, …

python django redis django-cache redis-py
Is non-blocking Redis pubsub possible?

I want to use redis' pubsub to transmit some messages, but don't want be blocked using listen, like the code …

python redis redis-py
Redis-python setting multiple key/values in one operation

Currently I use the basic mset feature to store a key/value; from common.redis_client import get_redis_client …

redis redis-py
How to set the redis timeout waiting for the response with pipeline in redis-py?

In the code below, is the pipeline timeout 2 seconds? client = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=0, socket_timeout=2) pipe = …

python redis response pipeline redis-py
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -2 connecting to localhost:6379. Name or service not known

I have this error when I run my code in server, my env is debian, and Python2.7.3 Traceback (most recent …

python redis database-connection redis-py
How to use sadd with multiple elements in Redis using Python API?

Please consider the following example >>import redis >>redis_db_url = '' >>r = redis.…

python redis redis-py
How to insert Billion of data to Redis efficiently?

I have around 2 billion key-value pairs and I want to load them into Redis efficiently. I am currently using Python …

python redis redis-py
redis-py and hgetall behavior

I played around with flask microframework, and wanted to cache some stats in redis. Let's say I have this dict: …

python-3.x redis redis-py
What are equivalent functions of MULTI and EXEC commands in redis-py?

I tested all the transaction commands (MULTI, EXEC, WATCH, DISCARD) in redis-cli. But when i tried with redis-py the following …

python redis redis-py
How to create redis python client from sentinel url?

I have url as BROKER_URL = 'sentinel://;sentinel://;sentinel://' In this, redis is running on, and One node is …

python redis sentinel redis-py