Top "Hazelcast" questions

Hazelcast is an open source In-Memory Data Grid platform.

redis vs hazelcast

Redis Vs Hazelcast If my app: Have a lot of http requests (6,000 per minute, I collect clicks info) that needs …

redis hazelcast
Unable to register MBean [HikariDataSource (HikariPool-0)] with key 'dataSource'

I am getting below error in prod mode for (Java8+Oauth2+MySql+Hazelcast+no clustered http sessions) combination. Dev mode …

spring-boot hazelcast jhipster
hazelcast vs ehcache

Question is clear as you see in the title, it would be appreciated to hear your ideas about adv./disadv. …

ehcache hazelcast
How do you programmatically configure hazelcast for the multicast discovery mechanism?

How do you programmatically configure hazelcast for the multicast discovery mechanism? Details: The documentation only supplies an example for TCP/…

java configuration multicast hazelcast
Where does Redis store the data

I am using redis for pub/sub as well as for server side cache. I mean my app server has …

caching redis scalability hazelcast
Suddenly I'm getting "Hazelcast instance is not active!"

My application is running for months and working very well. Then suddenly I get the following error: com.hazelcast.core.…

java hazelcast
Configuring a two node hazelcast cluster - avoiding multicast

The context Two nodes of a Hazelcast cluster, each on a discrete subnet so multicast is not suitable nor working …

Persisting data on disk using Hazelcast

I have installed HazelCast 2.5. I want to persist my records into disk. I learned that MapStore does this job. However …

java hazelcast in-memory
Hazelcast vs. Ignite benchmark

I am using data grids as my primary "database". I noticed a drastic difference between Hazelcast and Ignite query performance. …

benchmarking hazelcast ignite

I am getting the following exception when trying to deploy the :mancenter-3.1.3.war in to my Weblogic 12. The fullstacktrace is : …

hazelcast weblogic12c