Top "Redis" questions

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

redis-py : What's the difference between StrictRedis() and Redis()?

I want to use redis-py for caching some data, but I can't find a suitable explanation of the difference between …

python redis
How is aerospike different from other key-value nosql databases?

Aerospike is a key-value, in-memory, operational NoSQL database with ACID properties which support complex objects and easy to scale. But …

redis key-value-store aerospike
Redis: Amazon EC2 vs Elasticache

I want to host a Redis Server by myself. I compared EC2 to Elasticache. And I would like to know …

amazon-ec2 redis amazon-elasticache
How to store list element in Redis cache

I have used StackExchange.Redis for c# redis cache. cache.StringSet("Key1", CustomerObject); but I want to store data like …

c# azure redis stackexchange.redis servicestack.redis
redis slave won't sync with master

The redis slave won't sync with the master. Connectivity: I can connect to the master when I issue HOST_NAME=…

redis replication
How to reuse redis connection in

Here is my code using as WebSocket and backend with pub/sub redis. var io = io.listen(server), …

node.js redis
Redis/Jedis - Delete by pattern?

Normally, I get the key set then use a look to delete each key/value pair. Is it possible to …

java redis jedis del
How to save and retrieve session from Redis

I am trying to integrate Redis sessions into my authentication system written in Node.js. I have been able to …

node.js redis session-state
Redis Pubsub and Message Queueing

My overall question is: Using Redis for PubSub, what happens to messages when publishers push messages into a channel faster …

python redis redis-cli
Get all members in Sorted Set

I have a Sorted set and want to get all members of set. How to identify a max/min score …
