Top "React-navigation" questions

An easy-to-use navigation solution to be used across React and React Native projects

Hide labels in TabNavigator - ReactNavigation

How do I hide the labels in TabNavigator and show only icons? If I do the following: const Tabs = TabNavigator({ …

reactjs react-native react-navigation tabnavigator
react-navigation - navigating from child component

I have a leaderboard which calls a component and passes it data to it like so: _renderItem =({item}) => ( <…

react-native react-navigation
How to give a transparent background to a fullScreen modal in react navigation (3.x)?

How to give a transparent background to a fullScreen modal in react navigation (3.x).The solution given here is not …

react-native react-navigation react-navigation-stack
React Navigation 5 Hide Drawer Item

I am trying to hide the ability to press one of my routes in the drawer navigator as it is …

react-native react-navigation react-navigation-drawer react-navigation-v5
How to navigate screen on notification open in React Native with One Signal?

Here is my code, how can I navigate user to the desired screen when clicked on a notification or button …

react-native react-redux react-navigation onesignal
How to use tabBarComponent for TabNavigator? Tab bar not showing

I'm trying to make my own custom tab bar and it seems tabBarComponent is the way to do it by …

javascript react-native react-navigation tabnavigator
React Native - ReactNavigation.addNavigationHelpers in not a function

I was using react-navigation 1.2.1 and every thing was working fine as soon as I updated react-navigation to 2.0.0 it gives the …

reactjs react-native redux react-navigation
React Navigation Header in Functional Components with Hooks

I am trying to inject custom headers to React functional components that are using Hooks. So for example I have …

reactjs react-native header react-navigation
React Native - How to open route from push notification

I'm using react-navigation and react-native-push-notification. How can I open a certain StackNavigator's screen in onNotification callback? Should work when: app …

reactjs react-native push-notification react-navigation
How to deal with safeAreaView + React Navigation?

First screenshot was without applying SafeAreaView and second screenshot is applying SafeAreaView As shown clearly that Stack header seems bulky …

react-native react-navigation iphone-x