Top "React-navigation" questions

An easy-to-use navigation solution to be used across React and React Native projects

How should the new context api work with React Native navigator?

I created a multiscreen app using React Navigator following this example: import { createStackNavigator, } from 'react-navigation'; const App = createStackNavigator({ Home: { screen: …

reactjs react-native react-navigation react-context
React-Navigation go to same route with different params

I am using a React-Navigation screen with the name "User" to show info about a particular user. When navigating to …

react-native react-navigation
How to change font family in React Navigation createStackNavigator

I use React Navigation as the navigator component of my app. I want to change font family of the stack …

react-native react-navigation stack-navigator
How to Listen for Events in children components in React Native?

I want to implement an event listener from parents to children components in my React Native app, I'm using a …

reactjs react-native react-navigation dom-events eventemitter
React Navigation V5 Hide Bottom Tabs

I would like to be able to hide the tabs on a screen using React Native Navigation v5. I've been …

javascript react-native react-navigation react-native-navigation
add icon to drawer react-navigation v5

I'm trying to add an icon to each of the screens in my react-navigation drawer but the icon doasn't appear. …

react-native react-navigation react-navigation-drawer react-navigation-v5
React-native/react-navigation: how do I access a component's state from `static navigationOptions`?

How do you handle cases when you have, say, a form component, and you need to submit a part of …

reactjs react-native react-navigation
switchNavigator with react-navigation 5

With react-navigation 4, I was able to import and use switchNavigator from "react-navigation" package. import { createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator, createStackNavigator } from "react-navigation"; import …

reactjs react-native react-navigation react-navigation-v5
Hide TabBar item in TabNavigator

How is it possible to hide certain TabBar item from TabNavigator. Is there a certain TabBarOptions option, which has visible …

reactjs react-native react-navigation tabnavigator stack-navigator
Where is placed createSwitchNavigator in react-navigation 5.x for migrating from react-navigation 4 to 5.x

I'm migrating a React Native application from react-navigation 4 to 5.x and i can't find which package contains createSwitchNavigation. Specifically i …

reactjs react-native react-navigation react-navigation-v5