Top "React-navigation" questions

An easy-to-use navigation solution to be used across React and React Native projects

React Navigation - navigating to another tab and reset stack

I'm trying to route from one StackNavigator to another, both of which are inside a TabNavigator. I'm currently able to …

react-native react-navigation
React Navigation: StackNavigator transition for Android

I am using this library to build android by react-native. I can make the navigation …

android react-native react-navigation
How to set a default screen Route in react Tab Navigation in React Native

I want to load dashboard to be active tab in react Native bottom tab. Navigation whenever dashboard is loaded but …

react-native native react-navigation react-navigation-stack
Passing function as a param in react-navigation 5

NOTE: This query is for react-navigation 5. In react navigation 4 we could pass a function as a param while navigating but …

reactjs react-native react-navigation
React-navigation: header does not show up when using bottom tab navigator

I am using react-navigation with my react native app. I have created a bottom tab navigator, and want to use …

reactjs react-native react-navigation stack-navigator
Dismiss modal when navigating to another screen

I have an App with Home Screen, in this screen I'm rendering a Modal which opens on button press, inside …

react-native react-navigation react-modal
Icons/Images do not display with TabBarBottom in React Native

I've pretty much taken the sample code from the TabNavigator documentation and the icon's/images simply don't appear on iOS …

react-native react-navigation
How do i pass eslint checking for this.props.navigation.navigate (react-navigation)?

I am using eslint airbnb in my react native project. The eslint throw error linting if i didn't validate the …

eslint react-navigation react-proptypes
How to add an image inside a react navigation tab bar?

I am using react-navigation where I am able to create the tab bars with text headings on them. I want …

android react-native react-navigation tabnavigator