Top "React-modal" questions

Accessible modal dialog component for React.

"Warning: react-modal: App element is not defined. Please use `Modal.setAppElement(el)` or set `appElement={el}`"

How to fix this warning in console of a React app using the react-modal package: Warning: react-modal: App element is …

javascript reactjs react-modal web-accessibility
react-modal Dynamic Sizing

Im using react-modal which is pretty great. Is it possible to dynamically size it (perhaps with css media tag). For …

javascript css reactjs react-modal
Session timeout warning modal using react

I have a requirement to display timeout warning modal after 13 mins of inactivity and end session after 15 mins if user …

reactjs session-timeout react-modal
Animate React Modal

I have a Modal in my web app which I want to slide in when the user clicks "open" button. …

css reactjs react-modal
Clicking a button to open dialog in ReactJS

I'm working with React MDL library, and I used pre-defined components like FABButton <FABButton> <Icon name="add"/&…

reactjs dialog frontend react-modal
Reactjs refresh parent after react modal popup changes data

I am using react modal to set up a pop up in on one of my components. I have a …

reactjs redux react-modal
Open modal from another component click in react js

I am using the basic component modal component of react - What I am trying …

javascript reactjs modal-dialog react-modal
Dynamic content with React js Modal

I want to get dynamic content with React js modal I am using package react-responsive-modal. First I render all the …

javascript reactjs react-modal
React Rendering Multiple Modals in Same Component

I'm new to React and to coding in general. I'm trying to render multiple modals in the same component, but …

reactjs ecmascript-6 react-modal
React-responsive-modal: Change background-color when modal is open

I use react-responsive-modal to open some modals within my react app. When i open the modal, there is an overlay …

javascript reactjs css react-modal