Top "Onesignal" questions

OneSignal is mobile and web push notification and push messaging service and API.

How to make a external API call inside express server?

Hello I ve been trying to implement OneSignal API on my dashboard and I wonder if it is possible to …

node.js api express onesignal
How to Send push notifications using One Signal + PHP + Server API?

I am using one signal to send push notification for android app. My question is How Can I setup send …

php android api server onesignal
How to get One Signal unique user id in Mobile?

I am developing a restaurant app. I am using One Signal in my app to send notifications. Here while I …

android ios notifications onesignal unique-id
OneSignal how to send Push to specific device - ionic

I want onesignal to be able to send push notification to a specific device. How do I capture the device …

ionic-framework push-notification uuid onesignal
Swift didReceiveRemoteNotification not called

I have an app with oneSignal as push provider. I can receive push notifications, that work good. But if I …

ios swift onesignal
Android: OneSignal how to change Notification bill icon with custom icon or app icon?

When notification is received the bill icon is shown instead of app icon or custom icon that i override it …

android push-notification onesignal
Web Push notifications with iOS 11.3

With the release of iOS 11.3 and it's inclusion of service workers, I have been trying to find information about whether …

ios ios11 progressive-web-apps onesignal
Why am I receiving the message "All included players are not subscribed"?

I'm trying to setup location based push notifications using OneSignal and I'm not receiving notifications. I am getting the error …

cordova onesignal
OneSignal subscribe user through web page using web-push-sdk

Is there a way in one signal web-push-sdk to add user manually and unsubscribe? I tried this in my subscribeOneSignal() …

javascript onesignal web-push
how to test Onesignal push notifications on localhost?

I want to test OneSignal push notifications on localhost before I deploy my app to a remote server. I followed …

push-notification localhost onesignal