Top "React-navigation" questions

An easy-to-use navigation solution to be used across React and React Native projects

Testing component that uses react-navigation with Jest

I'm working on a React Native application that also use Redux and I want to write tests with Jest. I'm …

react-native mocking jestjs react-navigation
How do I hide the shadow under react-navigation headers?

How do I hide the shadow under react-navigation headers? They look like this.

react-native react-navigation
TabNavigator extra padding

How to style the TabNavigator Tab's height and padding? Im doing the following: import Icon from "react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons"; const tabNav = …

react-native react-navigation tabnavigator
i could not resolve this bundling error with react navigation v4

bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module react-navigation-stack from App.js: react-navigation-stack could not be found within the project. i …

react-native react-navigation react-navigation-stack
How to change the direction of the animation in StackNavigator?

How to change the direction of the animation in StackNavigator? Current Behavior When user goes to another screen, the screen …

animation react-native react-navigation
React Navigation pass props in TabNavigator

I have props what are loaded from the server on the initial screen. I want to pass them to the …

javascript android react-native react-navigation
React Native clear the previous screen from the navigation stack

I am developing a React native application for learning purposes. I am now implementing navigation using React Navigation. I am …

react-native react-navigation react-navigation-stack
Unable to resolve "@react-navigation/native" from "App.js" - React Native + How to Solve?

undefined Unable to resolve module @react-navigation/native from App.js: @react-navigation/native could not be found within the project. If …

react-native react-navigation mobile-development react-navigation-stack stack-navigator
Set backgroundColor and Badge for Tabnavigator in React-Navigation

In React-Native with React-Navigation I have a Tabnavigator like so: const testScreenNavigator = TabNavigator({ Tab1: { screen: Tab1Screen }, Tab2: { screen: Tab2…

react-native badge tabnavigator react-navigation
How to pass props to component inside a React Navigation navigator?

I'm trying to pass props to a component that has been wrapped through a call to create...Navigator call, i.…

javascript reactjs react-native react-native-android react-navigation