How to change the direction of the animation in StackNavigator?

hellofanengineer picture hellofanengineer · Dec 29, 2017 · Viewed 17.3k times · Source

How to change the direction of the animation in StackNavigator?

Current Behavior

When user goes to another screen, the screen flies from bottom to top.

Expected Behavior

When user goes to another screen, the screen flies from right to left. (Like Facebook or Instagram!)

StackNavigator Code

export default StackNavigator ({
    Main: {
        screen: MainScreen,
}, {
    navigationOptions: ({navigation, screenProps}) => ({
        tabBarOnPress: blahblaj
    lazy: true
    // I guess we can do something here
  • If we can set the animation time, it will be even better! Currently it looks like the screen flies from middle of the screen to top. I want natural animation like Facebook or Instagram :)

Thanks in advance,


Daniel Loiterton picture Daniel Loiterton · Feb 12, 2020

For react navigation 5.0 something like this seems to work:

import {
} from '@react-navigation/stack';
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
export default () => (
      cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators.forHorizontalIOS
    <Stack.Screen name="Screen 1" component={ScreenComponent1} />
    <Stack.Screen name="Screen 2" component={ScreenComponent2} />

More info here: