An easy-to-use navigation solution to be used across React and React Native projects
I'm using typescript in my react-native project(expo). The project uses react-navigation, so on my screens I can set navigationOptions …
typescript react-native react-navigationIn React Native Navigation library 'react-navigation' How could I set StackNavigator initialRouteName by AsyncStorage? function getInitialScreen() { AsyncStorage.getItem('initialScreen') .then(…
reactjs react-native react-navigation asyncstorageI just want to know honest, experienced and objetive points of view about these two soutions to implement the navigation …
performance react-native react-navigation react-native-navigationI created a project has a Welcome screen navigate to MainActivity screen. I want that when the user clicks the …
react-native react-navigationHow do i get the height of the StackNavigator header programmatically? I need to detect if component A's position is …
react-native react-navigationI have been searching for a solution for a long time, but surprisingly, I think nobody has faced it yet. …
android react-native react-navigation swipeSay I've navigated through 4 screens in my StackNavigator App and now I want to go back to the first screen. …
javascript reactjs react-native react-navigationI'm using react-navigation, and I can't change the locale of the default 'back' button. In my Stack Navigator, if I …
react-native locale react-navigationI'd like to use React Navigation in my new react native app but I can't find any example showing how …
react-native react-navigationI am building a react-native app(App Image)which has Logout link on the Drawer Navigator. Code is as below …
react-native navigation-drawer logout react-navigation