Top "React-bootstrap" questions

Bootstrap components built with ReactJS, for ReactJS applications

Module not found: Can't resolve 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css' in 'C:\Users\test\counter-app\src'

I'm new to react js. I'm trying to create a component. For that I've installed bootstrap (version 4.1.1) which is successfully …

reactjs react-bootstrap react-component
React-Bootstrap Dropdown with Input won't stay open

I am using React-Bootstrap DropDown with an Input inside a MenuItem (otherwise the console yells at me Uncaught TypeError: Cannot …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap reactjs react-bootstrap
Why isn't the Formik `touched` property being populated?

I'm making a form with React, Formik, react-bootstrap, and yup for validation. I am trying to display validation errors, but …

reactjs react-bootstrap formik
Unexpected Token after const

I am getting an unexpected token error in React when I try to specify a constant, and I cannot seem …

meteor reactjs webpack react-bootstrap
Scrollable drop down lists in react-bootstrap

I am trying to create some simple birth date dropdowns and would like to have scroll bars on the dropdown …

reactjs react-bootstrap
DropdownButton, MenuItem from "react-bootstrap";

Here where to put the onSelect into the MenuItem or into the DropdownButton. In this simple example when user select …

reactjs react-bootstrap react-boilerplate
React Bootstrap Validation use validated input in sub component

I am using react-bootstrap-validation that decorates the react-bootstrap Input tag. The ValidatedInput requires that it is inside a Form component. …

reactjs react-bootstrap
how to override react-bootstrap with custom css file

I use react-bootstrap, but I want to modify some of the elements, so I wrote my own custom.css. However …

css twitter-bootstrap reactjs webpack react-bootstrap
How to create a controlled input with empty default in React 15

I'm having a problem with a text input that I want to be controlled, but it needs to support an …

reactjs react-bootstrap
How to pass padding/margin as props in React-Bootstrap components

I am trying to apply margins and paddings with React-Bootstrap as props. I passed the docs through but haven't found …

reactjs twitter-bootstrap-3 bootstrap-4 react-bootstrap