how to override react-bootstrap with custom css file

kreadteff picture kreadteff · Oct 9, 2015 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I use react-bootstrap, but I want to modify some of the elements, so I wrote my own custom.css. However it doesn't make any changes (only when I put !important, but the file is so large so it's not a good option).

import {MenuItem, Nav, Navbar, NavBrand, NavDropdown, NavItem} from "react-bootstrap";
import {LinkContainer, MenuItemLink} from "react-router-bootstrap";
import '../assets/css/custom.css';

This is what I did so far.


Jonny Buchanan picture Jonny Buchanan · Oct 9, 2015

When are you importing the Bootstrap CSS? I have an app which successfully uses Bootstrap with some overrides, which does this at the top of its index.js:
