Top "React-bootstrap" questions

Bootstrap components built with ReactJS, for ReactJS applications

How to add a classname/id to React-Bootstrap Component?

Suppose we are using Row from React-Bootstrap... How do we style it without using a wrapper or inner element: <…

reactjs jsx react-bootstrap
Listen to keypress for document in reactjs

I want to bind to close the active react bootstrap popover on escape press .Here is the code _handleEscKey:function(…

reactjs react-jsx react-bootstrap
Changing style of a button on click

Is it possible to change background-color of my button onClick function? ex. click background-color: black, another click background-color: white I've …

reactjs react-bootstrap
How do I create a dynamic drop down list with react-bootstrap

The example code in the react-bootstrap site shows the following. I need to drive the options using an array, but …

javascript reactjs react-bootstrap
How to open/close react-bootstrap modal programmatically?

I need to open/close modal like $(element).modal('show') How to do that?

twitter-bootstrap reactjs react-bootstrap
How to get select element's value in react-bootstrap?

So I'm trying to get a select element's value in reactjs, but just can't figure it out. The this.refs.…

javascript reactjs react-bootstrap
React-Bootstrap link item in a navitem

I'm having some styling issues using react-router and react-bootstrap. below is a snippet of the code import { Route, RouteHandler, Link } …

react-router react-bootstrap
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react-bootstrap-validation'

Issue I keep getting the following error in webpack Error: Cannot find module 'react-bootstrap-validtion' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:339:15) …

node.js reactjs npm react-bootstrap
How to set z-index on a component?

Tried using the 'zindex' prop, as suggested here: <Input ref="username" type="text" …

Enter key event handler on react-bootstrap Input component

I have an Input component with a button (buttonAfter property), I set an onClick handler associated to the button and …

reactjs react-bootstrap