DropdownButton, MenuItem from "react-bootstrap";

amitpowerpeace picture amitpowerpeace · May 7, 2018 · Viewed 9.2k times · Source

Here where to put the onSelect into the MenuItem or into the DropdownButton.

In this simple example when user select menuitem its not reflected into the dropdownbutton.

Is there any example on onSelect or onChange ?

<div className="select_option">
    <label htmlFor="type">Document Desc</label>
    <DropdownButton title="--Select One--" id="document-type">
        <MenuItem>Item 1</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem>Item 2</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem>Item 3</MenuItem>
        <MenuItem>Item 4</MenuItem>


Tomasz Mularczyk picture Tomasz Mularczyk · May 7, 2018

So you try to create a controlled select from a dropdown. You will need a options list and a state.

Here is an example:

const options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4", "Option 5"];

class MySampleComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      selectedOption: options[0] // default selected value

  handleSelect(eventKey, event) {
    this.setState({ selectedOption: options[eventKey] });

  render() {
    <div className="select_option">
      <label htmlFor="type">Document Desc</label>
        {options.map((opt, i) => (
          <MenuItem key={i} eventKey={i}>