I am using React-Bootstrap DropDown with an Input inside a MenuItem (otherwise the console yells at me Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined)
Okay so the drop down renders, and the input is inside a menu item (all is well) except when I click inside the input, the dropdown closes.
Here is my JSX
<Bootstrap.DropdownButton title={this.state.callIdTitle} id="callId">
<Bootstrap.MenuItem eventKey='1'>
<input ref="callIdInput" type='text' eventKey='2' placeholder='Enter Call ID' />
Any pointing in the right direction is very much appreciated, I have been trying to solve this all day.
Thank you.
I managed to get it working by having a custom onToggle for dropdown that does nothing if click comes from input element. I basically ended up with something like this:
So something like this:
var React = require('react');
var ReactBootstrap = require('react-bootstrap'),
Dropdown = ReactBootstrap.Dropdown,
DropdownToggle = Dropdown.Toggle,
DropdownMenu = Dropdown.Menu,
Input = ReactBootstrap.Input,
MenuItem = ReactBootstrap.MenuItem;
module.exports = React.createClass({
displayName: 'DropdownWithInput',
setValue: function(e) {
var value = e.target.value;
this.setState({value: value});
onSelect: function(event, value) {
this.setState({value: value});
inputWasClicked: function() {
this._inputWasClicked = true;
onToggle: function(open) {
if (this._inputWasClicked) {
this._inputWasClicked = false;
this.setState({open: open});
render: function() {
return (
<Dropdown id={this.props.id} open={this.state.open} onToggle={this.onToggle}
className="btn-group-xs btn-group-default">
<DropdownToggle bsStyle="default" bsSize="xs" className="dropdown-with-input dropdown-toggle">
Dropdown with input
placeholder="Type something here"
<MenuItem divider key={this.props.id + '-dropdown-input-divider'}/>
<MenuItem eventKey={1} onSelect={this.onSelect}>One</MenuItem>
<MenuItem eventKey={2} onSelect={this.onSelect}>Two</MenuItem>
<MenuItem eventKey={3} onSelect={this.onSelect}>Three</MenuItem>
Hope this works for you as well.