Top "R-caret" questions

caret is an R package for classification and regression training.

using caret package to find optimal parameters of GBM

I'm using the R GBM package for boosting to do regression on some biological data of dimensions 10,000 X 932 and I …

r optimization r-caret gbm
How does createDataPartition function from caret package split data?

From the documentation: For bootstrap samples, simple random sampling is used. For other data splitting, the random sampling is done …

r subset r-caret data-partitioning
Variable importance with ranger

I trained a random forest using caret + ranger. fit <- train( y ~ x1 + x2 ,data = total_set ,method = "ranger" ,…

r machine-learning random-forest r-caret
Fully reproducible parallel models using caret

When I run 2 random forests in caret, I get the exact same results if I set a random seed: library(…

r r-caret reproducible-research
Difference between varImp (caret) and importance (randomForest) for Random Forest

I do not understand which is the difference between varImp function (caret package) and importance function (randomForest package) for a …

r random-forest r-caret feature-selection
Usage of caret with gbm method for multiclass classification

I am solving a multiclass classification problem and trying to use Generalized Boosted Models (gbm package in R). The issue …

r r-caret
Error when using predict() on a randomForest object trained with caret's train() using formula

Using R 3.2.0 with caret 6.0-41 and randomForest 4.6-10 on a 64-bit Linux machine. When trying to use the predict() method …

r formula random-forest r-caret predict
Issues with tuneGrid parameter in random forest

I've been dealing with some extremely imbalanced data and I would like to use stratified sampling to created more balanced …

r random-forest r-caret
Error: Package "ggplot2" could not be found, when loading the caret package

When I install caret with. install.packages("caret", dependencies=c("Depends", "Suggests")) library(caret) ## Loading required package: lattice ## Loading required …

r ggplot2 r-caret
Difference between predict(model) and predict(model$finalModel) using caret for classification in R

Whats the difference between predict(rf, newdata=testSet) and predict(rf$finalModel, newdata=testSet) i train the model with preProcess=…

r classification prediction r-caret