Top "R-caret" questions

caret is an R package for classification and regression training.

R: using ranger with caret, tuneGrid argument

I'm using the caret package to analyse Random Forest models built using ranger. I can't figure out how to call …

r machine-learning random-forest r-caret
Confusion matrix for random forest in R Caret

I have data with binary YES/NO Class response. Using following code for running RF model. I have problem in …

r random-forest r-caret confusion-matrix
Error - Error in lognet(x, is.sparse, ix, jx, y, weights, offset, alpha, nobs)= etc

Getting an error when using glmnet in Caret Example below Load Libraries library(dplyr) library(caret) library(C50) Load churn …

r r-caret glmnet
Train test split in `r`'s `caret` package

I'm getting familiar with r's caret package, but, coming from other programming language, it thorougly confused me. What I want …

r r-caret
Caret package Custom metric

I'm using the caret function "train()" in one of my project and I'd like to add a "custom metric" F1…

r r-caret
How to apply lasso logistic regression with caret and glmnet?

I am trying to repeat the following lines of code: x.mat <- as.matrix(train.df[,predictors]) y.…

r r-caret glmnet
Improving model training speed in caret (R)

I have a dataset consisting of 20 features and roughly 300,000 observations. I'm using caret to train model with doParallel and four …

r performance machine-learning r-caret
Error in train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) : final tuning parameters could not be determined

I am very new at machine learning and am attempting the forest cover prediction competition on Kaggle, but I am …

r random-forest r-caret kaggle
Plot ROC curve from Cross-Validation (training) data in R

I would like to know if there is a way to plot the average ROC Curve from the cross-validation data …

r r-caret roc auc
createTimeSlices function in CARET package in R

I am working with multivariate financial time series data and having problems using the createTimeSlices function. I cannot find any …

r time-series r-caret