caret is an R package for classification and regression training.
I've tried to use machine learning to make prediction based on time-series data. In one of the stackoverflow question (createTimeSlices …
r time-series r-caretI'm using the R caret package to generate a model. I'm using PCA in the pre-process for dimensionality reduction and …
r r-caretI am using the function confusionMatrix in the R package caret to calculate some statistics for some data I have. …
r missing-data r-caret confusion-matrixWith caret package, when creating data partition 75% training and 25% test, we use: inTrain<- createDataPartition(y=spam$type,p=0.75, …
r partitioning r-caret data-partitioningI am trying to estimate a logistic regression, using the 10-fold cross-validation. #import libraries library(car); library(caret); library(e1071); …
r glm r-caret confusion-matrixWhen working with caret, how can I save a model after training, and load it later (e.g. in a …
r r-caretIn R caret library, if I got a confusion matrix like this below, if there a way to retrieve the …
r r-caret confusion-matrixAfter getting my predictions from glmnet, I am trying to use "prediction" function, in "ROCR" package, to get tpr, fpr, …
r r-caret proc-r-packageI am struggling for several days to perform a classification tree using the caret package. The problem are my factor …
r rpart r-caret