Top "Python-import" questions

For questions about importing modules in Python

Import Error: No module named 'utils'

Please excuse me I'm a newbie. I'm trying to use the fuzzywuzzy module from seatgeek. I am using Python 3 Initially, …

python python-3.x importerror python-import fuzzywuzzy
Circular dependency in Django Rest Framework serializers

I'm fighting with circular dependencies within serializers in my web API written using Django Rest Framework 3. Whereas I know that …

django serialization django-rest-framework python-import circular-dependency
Python: is the current directory automatically included in path?

Python 3.4: From reading some other SO questions it seems that if a file is outside of your current …

python path importerror python-import
Install openexr in python doesn't work

I have successfully installed openexr using pip install openexr on my mac, but the same command fails on Ubuntu: OpenEXR.…

python ubuntu python-import apt-get openexr
Errors while dynamic imports using importlib in python3

I have been trying to use importlib with python3 (3.6). Directory structure #Note: I will only modify line 4 that …

python-3.x import python-import python-importlib dynamic-import
update module on import to python interpreter

In short How to force python interpreter to load the most up-to-date code version of my module everytime I make …

python-import rebuild spyder
Hide external modules when importing a module (e.g. regarding code-completion)

I have several modules in one package (a kind of a toolkit), which I use in my projects. The structure …

python code-completion python-import
C++ Python module import error: "undefined symbol: Py_InitModule3" ( Py_InitModule () )

I am just starting an attempt to write my first Python extension module in C and are using instructions provided …

python c++ python-3.x python-import extension-modules
Python: How to import all methods and attributes from a module dynamically

I'd like to load a module dynamically, given its string name (from an environment variable). I'm using Python 2.7. I know …

python python-2.7 python-import python-importlib
How to import one databricks notebook into another?

I have a python notebook A in Azure Databricks having import statement as below: import xyz, datetime, ... I have another …

python python-import azure-databricks spark-notebook