Top "Dynamic-import" questions

dynamically load parts of an application at runtime.

Dynamically import a method in a file, from a string

I have a string, say: abc.def.ghi.jkl.myfile.mymethod. How do I dynamically import mymethod? Here is how …

python dynamic import dynamic-import
How to dynamically import modules?

I am trying to import modules dynamically in Python. Right now, I have a directory called 'modules' with two files …

python import module dynamic-import
Dynamic import in react not working when trying to import a component in another directory

Hello everyone I have been trying dynamic imports in react for rendering my components for an app created with CRA (…

reactjs dynamic-import
Using the dynamic import() function on Node.js

I'm trying to implement basic functionality of a dynamic import inside a Node v10 environment. main.js async function main() { …

javascript node.js babeljs es6-modules dynamic-import
React Router with React 16.6 Suspense "Invalid prop `component` of type `object` supplied to `Route`, expected `function`."

I'm using the latest version (16.6) of React with react-router (4.3.1) and trying to use code splitting using React.Suspense. Although my …

reactjs react-router react-router-v4 dynamic-import react-16
Dynamic imports in ES6 with runtime variables

Recently stumbled upon the dynamic import proposal and also this Youtube video . Thought would be a great idea to use …

ecmascript-6 dynamic-import
Errors while dynamic imports using importlib in python3

I have been trying to use importlib with python3 (3.6). Directory structure #Note: I will only modify line 4 that …

python-3.x import python-import python-importlib dynamic-import
Dynamic loading of external modules in webpack fails

I am trying to set up the following architecture: a core React application that gets built with some basic functionality, …

javascript reactjs webpack module dynamic-import
Dynamically importing Python module

I have a trusted remote server that stores many custom Python modules. I can fetch them via HTTP (e.g. …

python dynamic-import