Top "React-16" questions

Warning: Received `false` for a non-boolean attribute. How do I pass a boolean for a custom boolean attribute?

Warning: Received `false` for a non-boolean attribute `comingsoon`. If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string …

reactjs styled-components react-16
Fragments giving Unexpected token error in React 16.2

I have the following component that renders a series of components. However, I downloaded React 16.2 and tried to use fragments …

reactjs react-16
React: reading data passed as parameter in history.push

I am new to react and I am trying to send some data as parameter in history.push. Basically I …

reactjs react-router react-router-v4 react-router-dom react-16
React Router with React 16.6 Suspense "Invalid prop `component` of type `object` supplied to `Route`, expected `function`."

I'm using the latest version (16.6) of React with react-router (4.3.1) and trying to use code splitting using React.Suspense. Although my …

reactjs react-router react-router-v4 dynamic-import react-16
getDerivedStateFromProps is not called

I use React 16.3.1 and next.js. And I put getDerivedStateFromProps inside the class extending PureComponent. Here is the code: Header.…

reactjs next.js react-16
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'injection' of undefined

I am getting following error after upgrading react to 16.x Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'injection' of undefined at injectTapEventPlugin (…

javascript reactjs material-ui react-16