Top "Python-import" questions

For questions about importing modules in Python

Difference between Numpy and Numpy-MKL?

I wanted to test some signal processing and statistics using SciPy. So I had to use scipy.signal and scipy.…

python-2.7 numpy scipy python-import intel-mkl
wxPython import error

I'm having trouble figuring out an error message in Python. yesterday, I've installed python using the latest EPD package, and …

python wxpython importerror python-import
"py.test" vs "pytest" command

The py.test command is failing in my case, whereas pytest is running totally fine. I use the pytest-flask plugin: …

python flask python-import pytest
"no matching architecture in universal wrapper" problem in wxPython?

I am running Python 2.7 under Mac OS 10.6.4, and I just installed wxPython from the wxPython2.8-osx-unicode- binary. I …

python wxpython python-import
Import keras.datasets not working

I have keras installed on my linux machine, but when I try to import a dataset from the keras.datasets …

python linux python-import theano keras
Importing modules: __main__ vs import as module

To preface, I think I may have figured out how to get this code working (based on Changing module variables …

python module python-import python-module
Why do I need at every level?

Given that I have the following directory structure with . being the current working directory . \---foo \---bar \ \---baz.…

python python-import python-module
Python import error: cannot import name 'six' from 'sklearn.externals'

I'm using numpy and mlrose, and all i have written so far is: import numpy as np import mlrose However, …

python numpy scikit-learn python-import six
Why can't I import opencv3 even though the package is installed?

I currently am running Python 3.5 and using Spyder from Anaconda as my IDE. I am running this on a Windows …

python anaconda python-import spyder opencv3.1
How can I make the PyDev editor selectively ignore errors?

I'm using PyDev under Eclipse to write some Jython code. I've got numerous instances where I need to do something …

python pydev jython python-import