Top "Python-import" questions

For questions about importing modules in Python

import matplotlib.pyplot hangs

I'm trying to get matplotlib up and running on OS X 10.8.4. I've installed matplotlib and the dependencies (libping, freetype, numpy, …

python matplotlib python-import
python's readline module not available for windows?

Granted I've been off PYTHON for two + years. I'm trying to get back into the swing, and I remember having …

import python-import readline python-3.7
How should I perform imports in a python module without polluting its namespace?

I am developing a Python package for dealing with some scientific data. There are multiple frequently-used classes and functions from …

python module python-import
Import statement works on PyCharm but not from terminal

Pycharm 2016.2.3, Mac OS X 10.11.1, Python 3.5 (Homebrew); I have this folder structure project /somepackage /subpackage …

python pycharm python-import importerror
No module name 'xmlrpclib' when using Electrum from Command line

I just installed a bitcoin wallet from command line from heres how i installed it in my user …

python python-import xmlrpclib
Python: 'import *' vs execfile

In some of my Django apps I'm using a file to override settings that are different on …

python django django-settings python-import execfile
python 3.7 import smbus ModuleNotFoundError no module named 'smbus'

I successfully built python 3.7 on my raspberry pi zero. now when I run my program using: python3 I …

python raspberry-pi python-import smbus
ImportError: No module named comtypes in Python 3.6

I'm using Python 3.6. I have installed the module comtypes via the command python -m pip install comtypes Requirement already satisfied: …

python python-import comtypes
pwntools Python module doesn't work in python2 but works in python3

I have a python2 script I want to run with the pwntools python module and I tried running it using: …

python-import python-2.x importerror pwntools python-3.8
In Python, how do you change an instantiated object after a reload?

Let's say you have an object that was instantiated from a class inside a module. Now, you reload that module. …

python module reload python-import