Top "Pydev" questions

PyDev is an Eclipse plugin for Python development.

How to remove trailing whitespace in PyDev plugin for Eclipse

Ideally, eclipse should remove all trailing whitespace when I save the file. I know there is option for this in …

python eclipse pydev
Eclipse Pydev: Run selected lines of code

Is there a command in Eclipse Pydev which allows me to only run a few selected (highlighted) lines of code …

python eclipse pydev
What is the difference between a "source folder" and a "pydev package" in PyDev Eclipse?

What is the difference between a "source folder" and a "pydev package" in PyDev Eclipse?

python eclipse package pydev
Where are Run configurations stored?

Run Liclipse 2.5.3 on Mac OS. I renamed my project. I lost all my run configurations. When i recreate one, it …

eclipse macos pydev liclipse
Annoying error dialog box when eclipse output-console scrolls. What's causing it?

When I run python scripts in Eclipse with Pydev - after a few seconds I get an eclipse Error dialog. …

eclipse pydev
pydev: find all references to a function

This has probably been asked before but I can't seem to find the answer. I've moved from windows to Linux …

python pydev
Relationship between Eclipse, Aptana, PyDev, and LiClipse

I've been going nowhere but in circles trying to understand the odd relationships between and varying levels of "standalone-ness" of …

eclipse aptana pydev
Setting up Django with Eclipse - "Django not found"

I'm trying to setup Django with Eclipse. Right now I'm creating a new Pydev Django project, and getting "Django not …

python django eclipse pydev django-errors
Setting up Pylint with PyDev

I have installed pylint via easy_install. I can run pylint <filename> with success. But pydev refuses to …

pydev pylint eclipse-3.5