Top "Pydev" questions

PyDev is an Eclipse plugin for Python development.

Python curses Redirection is not supported

I am trying to use Curses in PyDev in Eclipse in Win7. I have installed Python 3.2 (64bit) and…

python pydev curses
Aptana Error-pydev: Port not bound (found port -1)?

I just updated my Aptana Studio3. When I open my python file it says that it can not find map, …

python aptana pydev
what's the keyboard shortcut to toggle breakpoint in pydev using eclipse

I think I'm missing the elephant in the room but for the life of me I can't find the keyboard …

eclipse keyboard-shortcuts breakpoints pydev
Solving the invalid name for Python module warning in PyDev

I encountered the Invalid name for Python module: ...filename (it'll not be analyzed) warning message in PyDev and I tried …

python pydev
Django + Pydev/Eclipse + Google App Engine - possible?

Has anyone been able to get Google App Engine/Django working in Pydev/Eclipse? I tried this but had difficulty …

django eclipse google-app-engine linker pydev
How to make eclipse/pydev happy to see flask extensions on windows?

I stumbled upon this article and followed all steps. But pyDev won't see my flask extensions and that's really annoying. …

python eclipse flask pydev flask-extensions
Type hinting in Eclipse with PyDev

I'm studying Python, after a lot of PHP experience, and it would be handy to have type-hinting in Python. Looks …

python pydev type-hinting
Why is Pydev giving a syntax error for built-in keywords?

Why is Pydev giving me syntax errors for built-in python functions like str()? Undefined variable: str Undefined variable: False Undefined …

python eclipse syntax-error pydev
WxPython Incompatible With Snow Leopard?

Recently I upgraded to Snow Leopard, and now I can't run programs built with wxPython. The errors I get are (…

python eclipse wxpython pydev
How can I make the PyDev editor selectively ignore errors?

I'm using PyDev under Eclipse to write some Jython code. I've got numerous instances where I need to do something …

python pydev jython python-import