Top "Pydev" questions

PyDev is an Eclipse plugin for Python development.

Continuous unit testing with Pydev (Python and Eclipse)

Is there a way to integrate background unit tests with the Pydev Eclipse environment? My unit tests run well, but …

python unit-testing pydev
How do I configure Eclipse to launch a browser when Run or Debug is selected using Pydev plugin

I'm learning Python and Django using the Eclipse Pydev plugin. I want the internal or external browser to launch or …

python eclipse eclipse-plugin pydev
pydev doesn't find python library after installation

I'm using Django and PyDev/Eclipse. I just installed django-treebeard with install and it got installed in my …

python eclipse pydev
Break on exception in pydev

Is it possible to get the pydev debugger to break on exception?

python eclipse debugging exception pydev
How to get unit test coverage results in Eclipse + Pydev?

I know Eclipse + PyDev has an option Run As => 3 Python Coverage. But all it reports is: Ran 6 tests in 0.001…

python eclipse code-coverage pydev
Eclipse multi-line indent uses tabs instead of spaces (pydev)

When I highlight a block of text in Eclipse, and press TAB, it inserts a tab at the head of …

eclipse whitespace pydev code-formatting
pydev not recognizing python installation with django

I have python installed with django. I know the installation is there because I installed it following the directions and …

python django eclipse pydev
How To Make Eclipse Pydev Plugin Recognize Newly Installed Python Modules?

So I just installed SubnetTree ( and if I open the Python interactive interpreter I …

pydev python-module installation
Where is classical vertical scrollbar in PyDev?

I have just updated Eclipse (using with PyDev) and surprisingly found out that the classic vertical scrollbar is changed to …

eclipse windows pydev
How do I debug properly using Eclipse and Pydev?

I have got Pydev configured properly so it runs my app, however when I want to inspect/trace my code …

django eclipse debugging pydev