Top "Django-errors" questions

django-errors refers to error reporting system in Django

Multiple strings with str_detect R

I want to find multiple strings and put it in a variable, however I keep getting errors. queries <- …

r string django-errors
How to see details of Django errors with Gunicorn?

I just deployed my Django (1.6) project with gunicorn and Nginx. It seems to be working fine but I have one …

django bash nginx gunicorn django-errors
django form error messages not showing

So I have my view: def home_page(request): form = UsersForm() if request.method == "POST": form = UsersForm(request.POST) if …

django django-models django-forms django-templates django-errors
What does the Django "expected string or buffer" error indicate?

I've been stuck with this error for quite a while now and I just can't figure out what it means. …

django django-errors
Passing a python list to django template

I want to display a list of things on my template. So I have a view to generate that list …

django django-templates django-views django-errors
Django: Field Error Unknown fields

I just installed OS X Lion, so I had to reinstall everything for Python2.7. In doing that I upgraded my …

django django-errors
Expected a `Response`, `HttpResponse` or `HttpStreamingResponse` to be returned from the view, but received a `<class 'NoneType'>` class Wishlist(models.Model): home = models.ForeignKey(Home, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=False, null=False) user = models.…

python django django-rest-framework django-views django-errors
Setting up Django with Eclipse - "Django not found"

I'm trying to setup Django with Eclipse. Right now I'm creating a new Pydev Django project, and getting "Django not …

python django eclipse pydev django-errors
django - checking to see if filter returns anything in the queryset

I'm a newb to django. I need to check to see if a queryset returns any values at all, and …

django django-errors
Error: No module named messages after installing python-django-debug-toolbar

My Django version is 1.2.5 it runs in Python 2.6.5. I installed debug_toolbar, from Ubuntu Software Center and it's fell down …

django django-errors