Top "Projection-matrix" questions

Three.JS rotate projection so that the y axis becomes the z-axis

Traditionally, in 3D projections, the Y-axis is the axis that represents "up and down". I learned to think of it, …

3d three.js projection-matrix
countNonZero function gives an assertion error in openCV

I tried to get horizontal projection using countNonZero() function as below. Mat src = imread(INPUT_FILE, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); …

c++ opencv assertion projection-matrix
OpenGL ES 2.0 equivalent of glOrtho()?

In my iphone app, I need to project 3d scene into the 2D coordinates of the screen for some calculations. …

iphone-sdk-3.0 opengl-es projection-matrix
Generate point cloud from depth image

I am trying to convert a depth image (RGBD) into a 3d point cloud. The solution I am currently using …

python image point-clouds depth projection-matrix
Image transformation from 2D coordinates to Cylindrical Coordinates

I would like to convert a Jpeg image (its coordinates (x,y)) into a Cylindrical coordinates.. Is there a function …

image-processing opencv projection-matrix
Understanding the libGDX Projection Matrix

Over the past few weeks I've been attempting to learn the libGDX library. I'm finding it hard, especially for my …

java android camera libgdx projection-matrix
How to calculate OpenCV camera projectionMatrix in python

I am trying to calculate projection_matrix using OpenCV 2.4 in Python 2.7 for my camera (I am using ps eye). I …

python opencv triangulation projection-matrix