ProGuard is a tool to shrink, optimize, obfuscate, and preverify Java classes.
I've just built an APK using Gradle for release (ProGuard 4.9 and signed). When I launch the app it crash on …
android gradle proguard android-gradle-pluginI currently use a combination of LVL and Proguard as a first line of defence against piracy. However, what about …
android obfuscation proguard android-resources android-lvlThis may sound suspicious, but I need to deobfuscate my own app. Some time ago I published my app that …
java android proguard deobfuscationWe are using latest JDK 7 (u45) and ProGuard Version 4.10 Lately starting our distribution fails, after obfuscating it, with the following …
obfuscation java-7 proguard verificationWarning: I removed a lot of "old text" to keep the question more clean. Just check the history if needed. …
android facebook proguard facebook-android-sdkI'm using Jersey to post some entities to a remote REST service through json, here is the client: Invocation invocation = …
java json jersey proguard jersey-clientI'm using Dagger2 android-support library with Proguard but i can't compile my project because of this error :…
android proguard dagger-2 android-proguard daggerMy Activities , Fragments ,Services and BroadcastReceivers I want to implement a ProGuard taken to the safety of the classroom. Error …
java android proguard butterknifeI include this ProGuard configuration to strip out debug log statements when I release an Android application: -assumenosideeffects class android.…
android proguard